Western Meadowlarks and European Starling

Western Meadowlarks are very vocal birds and if they sing, they sing with all their hearts. With their sonorous songs, little singers sometimes create the misleading impression that their melodic songs are being sung by a choir.



Singing with all his heart to the whole world. 



Sometimes European Starlings join the Meadowlarks to perch together and Larks never mind being in the company of starlings.

Generally, life is good.


Male Horned Lark is Singing His Heart Out

When I saw a male Horned Lark I thought how nice it would be if he would continue to perch on a shrub and would sing for me from his heart. 

The Lark didn’t take long to wait. In a few seconds the whole world was listening to his sonorous songs.



This is my first Horned Lark.  I have never seen this bird before on Antelope Island. Apparently, Horned Larks are living there.

Generally, life is good!


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