Great Blue Heron

I wish I could predict birds behavior. Probably, it takes a lot of practice to learn this skill. Meanwhile, I was waiting when Great Blue Heron would take off and I would be able to take a photo of this beautiful bird in flight. And when the heron took off I wasn’t ready and missed the moment. Very frustrating.

On this photo the heron is watching and waiting. Very peaceful. No thoughts of leaving this secluded place.

4 thoughts on “Great Blue Heron

  1. And that will happen again and again πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€. Watch the Herons knees, a slight shift up, then bending… off to the races πŸ˜€. They bend their knees for lift off. Of course it’s not cast in stone and just this afternoon I missed the same shot LOL.

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    1. Ted, thank you very much for your advice! I will try to watch the Heron’s knees and be more attentive to them. I often miss so many interesting moments. Especially, when a bird flies away leaving me with nothing.

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